

塞舌尔的气候总是温暖的,不会达到极热或极冷的程度。温度很少低于 24°C 或高于 32°C。除了最偏远的南部岛屿外,所有岛屿都位于气旋带之外,使塞舌尔成为太阳崇拜者和海滩爱好者的全年目的地。

在 11 月至 3 月期间,西北信风吹来时,天气通常比较凉爽。海面总体平静,气候温暖湿润,平均风速为每小时 15 - 22 公里。

与其他月份相比,12 月至 2 月的年降雨量下降较多。 12 月、1 月和2 月的平均降雨天数(降雨量为1 毫米或更多的天数)分别为18、17 和11 天。在这几个月里,有时也相当多云,因此阳光较少。 12 月至 4 月的天气最热,湿度很高 - 通常为 80% 或更高。

5 月至 10 月带来更干燥、凉爽的天气和更活跃的海洋 - 特别是在东南海岸 - 每小时 19 -37 公里的风速很常见。




The Seychelles' climate is one which is always warm and does not reach extremes of heat or cold. The temperature rarely drops below 24°C or rises above 32°C. All but the remotest southern islands lie outside the cyclone belt making Seychelles’ a year round destination for sun worshippers and beach lovers.

It is generally cooler when the north-west trade winds blow during the months of November to March. The sea is generally calm and the weather warm and humid, with average winds of 15 - 22 kilometres per hour.

A larger amount of the annual rainfall falls during the months of December to February compared to other months. The average number of rainy (days with 1 millimetre or more rainfall) in December, January and February are 18, 17 and 11 days respectively. It is also fairly cloudy at times during those months and therefore less sunshine. The weather is hottest from December to April, and the humidity is high - often 80% or higher.

The months of May to October bring drier, cooler weather, and livelier seas - particularly on south-eastern coasts – and winds of 19 -37 kilometres per hour are common.

On average the number of rainy days during this period is 11 with long periods of sunshine.

Dry spells of two weeks or more are fairly common.

For more detailed weather information, please visit the Seychelles Meteorological Services official website and click on “The Seychelles Climate Guide.”