


一、公司文件(PDF 格式彩色清晰扫描件,一个月以上有效期)

Corporate Documents (Clearly color scan, PDF format and valid for more than one month)


1. 注册证明书

Certificate of Incorporation


2. 董事在职证明书(3 个月内)

Certificate of Incumbency (Within 3 months)


3. 公司章程

Memorandum and Articles of Incorporation


4. 有效期一年内的良好声誉证明 (公司成立一年内无需提供)

Certificate of Good Standing within 1 year of validity (No requirement to provide if company registered within 1 year)


5. 公司股权构架图(授权签字人或实际受益人签字)

要求:清晰展示公司股权结构,向上穿透到受益 25%以上的个人,须用英文名称。

Corporate Organization Chart (signed by authorized signature or ultimate beneficiary owner)

Requirements:Clearly show the corporate organization and the shareholders who have penetrated upwards to more than 25% of the individual should be showed in the chart by English.


6. 业务活动证明(如发票等,上下游公司至少各一份)

要求:正式文件. 能够清晰展示公司名称、业务活动及对手信息及正式签章等重要信息。若无此文件, 请提供公司简介和业务描述,并提供关联公司或控股公司的业务证明(如有)。

Proof of business activities (Such as invoice, at least one for each upstream and downstream company), at least one document of buyers and at least one document of suppliers. Requirements:All formal documents should clearly show the company's name, business activities, counterparty information and companies’ stamp. If there are no formal documents, please provide the business description of operations and activities, and formal documents of the related or holding companies (if any)


  • 公司相关资料

Company related information


1.   公司实际控制人,授权签字人、最终受益人(直接或间接拥有超过(包含)25%股权的受益所有人)有效期一个月以上的身份证明材料

要求:1 护照信息页彩色扫描件; 2 居民身份证双面彩色扫描; 3 住址证明(六个月内,必须为居住地址,本人姓名,包括但不限于水电费缴费单、信用卡账单、电商订单等)

ID cards or/and passport with a validity period of more than one month of all Beneficial Owners (with an interest ownership of 25% or more), Directors, and Authorized Signatories

Requirements:1 Passport information page needs color scanning; 2 ID card double- sided color scanning; 3 Address Proof (within six months, must be residential address. Including but not limited to phone bill, credit card bill, bank statement, etc.)


2. 如果网银操作员为以上人员范围之外的员工,需要越涌国际商业贸易公司提交证件扫描件备案(身份证或护照,以开户申请表填写为准)

E-banking operator needs to submit a scanned copy of the identity document (ID card or Passport, subject to the Account Opening Application Form)


3. 由半数以上董事签署的董事会开户决议(我行提供模板,如公司只有一位董事且为账户协议签署人则无需提交)

Board Resolution, signed by more than half of Directors (we support the template file of Board Resolution. If the company has only one director and is a signatory of the account agreement, there is no need to submit)


  • 需要授权签字人签署的文件(需面签文件)

Documents with Signature of Authorized Signatories

1.客户尽职调查表  Know-Your-Customer Survey

2.开户申请表  Account Opening Application Form

3.印鉴卡  Signature Card

4.服务协议  CB International Bank Service Agreement

5.W-8BEN-E 表格  W-8BEN-E form